Dwight Schrute:Who is Justice Beaver?
Jim Halpert:A crime fighting beaver.
Jim Halpert: Which is you.
Dwight Schrute: "Which is you" is not a sentence.
Jim Halpert: I disagree with.
Creed:Boboddy, boboddy. What does the first B stand for?
Pam Beesly:What are we doing?
Creed:We're making acronyms. Okay. What does the first B stand for?
Kevin:Um... Business.
Creed:I... like it!
Dwight Schrute: What is this?
Jim Halpert: How did those get out?
Dwight Schrute: Professor Coperfield's Miracle Lagooms?
Jim Halpert: I was in Jamaca, and I got lost and it was getting dark this one night and out of nowhere this guy comes with a cart and he's selling these. Dwight, he told me things about myself that there's no way he could have known.
Dwight Schrute: That's a common swindler's trick.
Jim Halpert: Probably, probably. So I buy some. I turn the corner, I feel like an idiot, so I go back to get my money... He was gone.
Dwight Schrute: So you want to sell ME magic beans? Hahaha!
Jim Halpert: Correction: I do NOT want to sell you Professor Copperfields Miracle Lagooms.
Dwight Schrute: Nice try. No- correction: terrible try. Ha.

Dwight Schrute: (Dwight walks by Jim's table) Jim, put those away.
Jim Halpert: (Sees the lagooms out and grabs them) Sorry about that, Pam must have put those out.
Dwight Schrute: Alright, just out of curiosity, what were the claims to those beans?
Jim Halpert: They're lagooms, Dwight. And you're just going to make fun of me, so why would I..? You know what, this ends now. (tears up lagooms)

Dwight Schrute: What the..?! (Sees the previously destroyed lagooms on Jim's table)
Jim Halpert: Oh my God.
Dwight Schrute: That's impossible!
Jim Halpert: It is. Right? I mean, it's impossible.
Dwight Schrute: Alright. I'll take them.
Jim Halpert: They're probably worthless.
Dwight Schrute: Probably.
Jim Halpert:Leave the telescope.
Dwight Schrute: (To camera) I started with a thumb tac, and traded my way to a telescope. But in a way, the most valuable thing here wasnt the telescope at all. No, it was the packet of beans, and I traded the telescope for it, and I can just go buy another telescope.

(Dwight is seen watering the lagooms in flower pots. Dwight leaves and Jim comes out with full grown plants in pots that look the exact same.)
[as Michael is talking to a woman at the bar]
Dwight Schrute: Michael, drop this one. Abort.
Michael Scott: Why?
Dwight Schrute: I found twins.
Michael Scott: Oh my God. [to the woman] Twins! I'm sorry, you understand. Nice to meet you![cut to Michael and Dwight staring across the room]
Dwight Schrute: Aren't they magnificent?
Michael Scott: They're men Dwight.
Dwight Schrute: I love finding a good set of twins.
Michael Scott: Something's wrong with you.
Dwight Schrute:I love escorting people. In fact, a few years back, I put an ad in the paper starting an escort service. I got a lot of responses. Mostly creeps. Made a few friends.

Angela:[yelling at Kevin] Listen, Dummy! It's not that hard! All you have to do is take the numbers from the sales report and type them into a master spreadsheet. A GD monkey could do it. I do not understand why you can't do it.
Holly:No! You DO NOT talk to him like that.
Angela:But he's an idiot.
Holly:He is not an idiot--
Kevin:Thank you, Holly.
Holly:--he is mentally challenged. But he's doing a super job here.
Kevin: Wait back up. Do you think that I'm retarded?
Ryan:Blogs are out but people are texting each other "no more animals."
Dwight Schrute: Hardy har har. Alright, picture this: snowy ash drizzles from the sky. A rabid pack of dogs surrounds you as the flame at the end of your stick dies. There's only one hope left for you. The door to my shelter. You pound. You beg. "Dwight! Please let me in!" But I ignore your cries and do not let you in. You wanna know why?
Jim Halpert: Because of the sign that says no pounding, no begging.
Dwight Schrute: No. Because you laughed at me. Kevin will be eaten! Pam will be taken slave! Jim will be made a Warlord's gesture. Meredith will do okay. Be assured this day will come, it's just a matter of time. Could be one month, could be two months.
Michael Scott:[packing for the hospital] Will I need a dictionary?
Oscar:No, the hospital will provide a dictionary, bring a thesaurus.