Dwight Schrute: This week we are rolling out the brand new Sabre tablet, the Pyramid.
Phyllis: Why is it shaped like that?
Dwight Schrute: So you can tell your clients, "Unleash the power of the Pyramid!"
Pam Beesly: It's huge! How much does it weigh?
Dwight Schrute: Oh, no no no, without the battery pack and the optional memory booster, it's barely three pounds.
Ryan Howard: How much memory does it have without the booster?
Dwight Schrute: 50L.
Ryan Howard: I'm sorry, "L"?
Jim Halpert: How much L to a K?
Dwight Schrute: You are really going to want the booster.
Stanley: How the heck are we supposed to sell--
Jim Halpert: --I'll take five.
Phyllis: Andy, don't make us sell this stupid thing.
6/20/2022 11:00:53 am

I enjoyed reading tthis


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