Angela: She just always has to copy anything I do. It's the Ford Taurus situation all over again.
Erin: I'm gonna go do another reverse spit. That's how the cool kids say, get a drink.
Val: Not bad fellas. You're better than you look.
Kevin: Hey boo you!
Robert California: The Corporate party was wretched. I am so tired of the Black Eyed Peas. It's rock and roll for people who don't like rock and roll, it's rap for people who don't like rap, it's pop for people who don't like pop.
[cut to talking head interview with Ryan]
Ryan: Truth. 
Gabe: Fun fact: in France they call Limitless "The Man With Many Capabilities."
Erin: I wish she was in a graveyard, under the ground, with worms coming out of her mouth.
Angela: Porcupines don't have souls. They're like dogs.
Nate: You had me at clookies. I can't wait to find out what they are.

[Andy opens Meredith's trunk and things fall out]
Meredith: [screaming and drunk] Whoa! My stuff!!
Andy: What? What is all that?!
Meredith: It's my valuables! This is my treasures--
Andy: [throwing them back in] It's junk.
Meredith: No they're my treasures!
Andy: You're a hoarder my God!
Meredith: No  I'm not. I'm gonna sell it on eBay! No no no you be careful. Be careful!
Susan: You didn't say goodbye to your grandmother.
Andy: We promised we'd never say goodbye.